If we reject gender discrimination in every other arena, why do we accept it in religion? - Beatrice Alba
/If we reject gender discrimination in every other arena, why do we accept it in religion?
by Beatrice Alba
The Guardian | March 5, 2019
Young women and girls deserve better than what mainstream religion offers them
Cardinal Pell’s recent child sexual abuse conviction has been the catalyst for criticisms of women’s lack of authority in the Catholic church. But why has it taken a crime of this magnitude for criticism of the church patriarchy to gain traction?
Perhaps it’s partly timing – with the rise of online activism and in the wake of the #metoo movement, many feminist causes are gaining mainstream support.
‘Male religious authorities go out of their way to exclude women, yet many women follow them regardless’ Photograph: Linda Nylind/The Guardian
The church’s exclusion of women from the priesthood and the sexist notions embedded in religious dogma violate our 21st century principles of equality and social justice. Yet the marginalisation of women in religion has come under surprisingly little scrutiny.
Anti-discrimination laws in the Sex Discrimination Act mean that organisations in Australia must not discriminate against any individuals based on their gender. But the law allows for special exemptions, such as religious grounds. Under these exemptions, religious organisations are free to refuse to allow women to ordain as clergy.
Sexism and misogyny are explicitly woven into the dogma and traditions of all mainstream religions. God is personified as male, and his representatives are male. Men are believed to be of higher spiritual authority to women, and many religions do not allow the full ordination of women into the clergy. Some religions disallow women from sitting at the front in their places of worship, and some places of worship refuse entry to women. Religious texts espouse notions of the mental, moral, and spiritual inferiority of women, and religion is used to justify gross forms of gender inequality all around the world.
Teaching girls that they are equal and deserve full participation in public life is inherently at odds with many religions.
Male religious authorities go out of their way to exclude women, yet many women follow them regardless. The existence of these double standards suggests that, as a society, we find this marginalisation of women acceptable and somewhat immune to challenge.
However, we should question the ethics of imposing these sexist and misogynistic views on children. It is difficult to understand the justification for exposing girls and young women to a doctrine that teaches them that they are inferior, or that they can only ever occupy restricted roles in the religion they are indoctrinated into. This instills girls at an early age with ideas that they do not belong in positions of authority and leadership. Research shows the harm done by setting such bad examples.
Young women and girls should be reminded that they have every right to reject the sexist and misogynistic ideas imposed on them by men who see them as their inferiors. They are entitled to be angry at those who attempt to dictate their position, their role, and their choices. They do not owe these men deference, and they should question why they are treated with such disrespect. Young women and girls deserve better than what mainstream religion offers them. A good education and good parenting means teaching young people that they are free to think and choose for themselves, and we should equip them with the skills to do so.
Religion’s endorsement of male supremacy is inconsistent with 21st century values of social justice and gender equality. Teaching girls that they are equal and deserve full participation in public life is inherently at odds with many religions. Children have the right to be free from discrimination, and it is an abuse of their human rights to not treat them with equality and respect. If we reject discrimination on the basis of gender in every other arena, why do we accept it in religion? We should not make exceptions for gender discrimination – the same discrimination and prejudice along racial lines would not be tolerated.
People have the right to practice their religion as they wish if they aren’t harming anyone. But given that religious organisations have special exemptions from anti-discrimination law, as well as special tax exemptions, any retort that critics should mind their own business doesn’t hold up. While such exemptions remain, any citizen can rightfully question these double standards.
Yet religion is seen as sacred, and we find ourselves walking on eggshells around the topic. But as long as religions disrespect and marginalise almost half of the population, they should not be immune to criticism.
We need to ask ourselves what is really sacred: respecting the traditions of a bygone era, or basic principles of social justice. If religions get it so wrong on this basic issue of social justice and human rights, why would we owe them any deference?
We also shouldn’t be surprised when these institutions fail on other basic moral issues. We should be angry about the abhorrent crimes committed by those high up in the church hierarchy. But we already had reason enough to be angry.
• Beatrice Alba is a research fellow in the School of Psychology and Public Health at La Trobe University