Pink Smoke Over the Vatican: Papal Conclave March 12, 2013 ~

Bursts of pink smoke filled the air in Rome during the Papal Conclave as advocates from Womens Ordination Worldwide held vigil calling for women's equality in the church. We gathered from all over the world: Australia, Canada, Great Britain, Ireland, Switzerland, the United States of America... all this while 115 elderly, celibate and male only Cardinals readied to the elect the next Pope.  It was an interesting week to be Catholic ... and even more so, people women committed to seeing the Roman Catholic Church truly become 'one' in the body of Christ.

Jesus's scripture teaches: 'There is neither male nor female, Jew nor Greek, slave nor free.' All are one in your image. Let us live this message in our lives, in our communities, and especially in our churches. Let us use our voices to speak truth about justice and equality. Let us celebrate the gifts of all God's people. Give us hope for the future of our renewed church.' Amen.

The text of our liturgy is included below.  Click on any image to move through the photographs.

Pink Smoke Rises: Liturgy for Pink Smoke Over the Vatican Vigil

March 13, 2013

A prayerful action calling attention to the lack of women's voices in Church decision making and the institutional exclusion of women from priestly leadership.


Reader 1: 'A Vatican II document tells us, 'At all times the Church carries the responsibility of reading the signs of the times and of interpreting them in the light of the Gospel if it is to carry out its task.' The Pontificate of Benedict XVI has been shadowed by destructive and anti-woman policies, financial corruption, sex abuse crimes, and the scandal of their cover up, and a rapidly changing church. Catholics around the world are desperate for transparency, justice, and inclusion as we envision the future of our church. As we gather together now we lift up our vision of a church filled with the Holy Spirit, a church of love for all God's people, and a church courageous enough to live out her own teachings of social justice.

Reader 2: Today in Rome, the College of Cardinals begins the conclave to elect the new pope. After each vote, they will send up black smoke if they fail to choose a new pope. Once the new pope is chosen they will send up white smoke and introduce him with the words 'Habemus papum ~ we have a pope.'

Today, the women of the Church and the members of Women's Ordination Worldwide send up pink smoke to protest the lack of women's voices at the conclave and to protest the ban on women from all leadership and decision making positions in the church. We recognise this 'election' as the celebration of patriarchy and the painful reminder o the misogyny of the hierarchy. So instead, we say, 'Sumus Ecclesia' ~ 'We are the church!'

Opening Prayer:

Jesus's scripture teaches us: 'There is neither male nor female, Jew nor Greek, slave nor free.' All are one in your image. Let us live this message in our lives, in our communities, and especially in our churches. Let us use our voices to speak truth about justice and equality. Let us celebrate the gifts of all God's people. Give us hope for the future of our renewed church.' Amen.


Reader 1: Pope John Paul II wrote, "Each and every human person has been created in the 'image and likeness' of the One who is the origin of all that is. We have within us the capacities for wisdom and virtue. With these gifts, and with the help of God's grace, we can build in the next century and the next millennium a civilisation worthy of the human person, a true culture of freedom. We can and must do so! And in doing so, we shall see that the tears of this century have prepared the ground for a new springtime of the human spirit." (John Paul II Address to the UN General Assembly, 1995)

Reader 2: During his papacy, Pope Benedict |XVI jused his power to take significant steps backwards for women. A staunch opponent of women's leadership, he declared women's ordination the gravest crime against the Church, excommunicated all Roman Catholic Womenpriests, and personally had Father Roy Bourgeois dismissed from his Maryknoll community for supporting women priests. We pray that the new pope will truly honour the wisdom and virtue of all God's people. And we pray that the new pope will fulfill God's will for a 'true culture of freedom.'

Response: Sumus Ecclesia! We are the Church!

Prayers of the Faithful:

After each intersession, we will release our Pink Smoke and respond: 'Sumus Ecclesia! We are the Church!'

Let us pray that the global church may move more courageously and wisely into the future; a future where all are welcome, a future where justice prevails, and a future in which the voices of all may be heard.

Response: Sumus Ecclesia! We are the Church!

Let us pray that the church of the future affirms the native cultures of all peoples and listens for the wisdom they speak. Let us pray for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered Christians, that they and all those who are marginalised know that they can come home to the church of Christ which embraces them with love and understanding.

Response: Sumus Ecclesia! We are the Church!

Let us pray that the church of the future continues to honestly acknowledge the sins and crimes of the past, to reach out to heal wounds, and work to ensure the safety of all children.

Response: Sumus Ecclesia! We are the Church!

Let us pray that the church of the future affirms the full personhood of women, that misogyny becomes a thing of the past, and that women be admitted to all ministries to which they may be called.

Response: Sumus Ecclesia! We are the Church!

Closing Song -- Options:

City of God
Here I Am
We are Called
We are Marching

Thanks to Women's Ordination Conference (USA) for their preparation of the liturgy!

— Women's Ordination Worldwide at Rome, Italy, March 13, 2013.